I love The Catcher in The Rye. It's one of my most-read books ever. Two of my favorites assigned were The Scarlett Pimpernel and The Joy Luck Club. The older I get the more I appreciate my assigned reading.

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The Joy Luck Club has been on my list for years. You’ve inspired me to bump it up to 2025!

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I agree about 1984 being so relevant, now more than ever. I had read it years ago but it’s one of those classics you don’t forget. And The Catcher in the Rye is also one of my favorites, it’s one of the first classics I read in HS English along with The Great Gatsby and Huck Finn. I haven’t had the chance to read Demon Copperhead yet but David Copperfield is one of my all time favorites, and definitely my favorite Dickens

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I think you’d really like Demon Copperhead then! There are so many interesting parallels to draw between modern Appalachia and the lower class in Victorian England.

I love Gatsby too, though I read it on my own and not in the classroom. We did read some Fitzgerald short stories in one of my college classes and there was always a lot to unpack.

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